You can tell a lot about a person by the way they speak on the phone; from the tone to the speed. I've had to make plenty of phone calls when it pertained to customer service representatives to receptionists/administrative/medical assistants. Some difficult, some very empathetic and kind.
The other day I called a medical office about scheduling an appointment for my mom, and she was so snippy. She was like, "Do you have the referral," "Do you have the script," in an anxious, angry, pressed-for-time voice. I felt like saying, "Hey! Watch your tone." I'm the one requesting assistance yet I had to listen to her disgruntled tone. Some people should not work in the healthcare field. I, for one, should. :-)
The same office had a young man (I'd say in his early 20s) having a conversation with one of his coworkers while having me on the line waiting to schedule an appointment. It was so inappropriate. They were talking about sneakers and then he said the F word. He said, "F for effort." Now that part was funny, I have to admit.
I'm old-school and because I was raised by the boomers, I know what is and what is acceptable in the workplace. That surely isn't. It gave me the impression that they hire anyone, or that the people are clearly miserable and/or bored.
What I learned from my past therapist, Maria, once was, "What you don't agree with, you learn from." So, whatever someone does or says to you, you learn not to do or say that to others. Some people teach you how to behave while others teach you how not to be like them. :-)